Friday, January 29, 2010

Girl Power!

A struggle that is still going on today is with the role of women in society, especially in advanced society such as ours.
Once upon a time, and sometimes still today, men kept women holed up in the home doing all of the "female" chores "they were born to do".
Loving, honoring, obeying their husbands, whilst raising the children and educating them along with the daily household chores of cleaning, laundry, dishes, cooking, etc.
Then came the Feminist Movement, led by profound women such as Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone, and a wave of demands for equal rights for women in society.
Men! Was it so horrible to work alongside a woman?
Men! Do the women who raise your children and run the household mean so little to you?
Men! Why do you think you are here? Your father did not birth you.
Men! Is a trophy all you really want? A woman to stand by you, no matter what you do, and look pretty with no brain or mind to speak of?
Men! Do you really think you own and run the world?
It is women who keep this world on its orbit.
It is women who keep the human, animal, amphibian, reptilian, and whatever else population going.
Women like Daisy are a disgrace among disgraces.
Weak women only add to the fact that females are referred to as the weaker sex or as the second sex.
I am here to prove that wrong along with all of the other women before me who proved that a woman can be just as successful as a man at his best!
Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Lucretia Mott, Hilary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Queen Elizabeth I, Emily Dickinson, Catherine The Great, Joan Of Arc, Anne Frank, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, Oprah Winfrey just to name a few.
As a female in an extremely patriarchal society, I feel that the fight from so long ago is not yet done.
Females and males are not yet equal.
A male C.E.O makes more money than a female C.E.O.
And why would that be? One is more intellectually competent? One works harder? Or is it that one was born to supposedly "lead the country" while the other trails behind picking up his trash and dirty socks?
I refuse to give up the fight for women until true equality is reached.
America is supposed to be the "land of opportunity", right?
Where is the woman's opportunity?
Was it left behind with the immigrant opportunity? Was it left behind with the slaves' opportunities?
Ladies, fight the system.
Fling the mold of the "ideal" woman out the window.
The "ideal" woman is subordinate, obedient, weak, pretty, and dumb, dumb, dumb!
We were all given brains, not jut men.
We are just as capable as a man is in any situation.
This is proven with female boxers, wrestlers, lawyers, C.E.O's, dentists, doctors, teachers, and governors.
I say to hell with Daisy and Fitzgerald!
In my opinion the world and that book could use a few more women like Jordan Baker.
[Who else noticed he gave her a unisex name because she's "manly".]

Call me a feminist, if you will. I will accept the name with pride as a woman of yesterday, today, and tomorrow!

Always the Lady, Shanita. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Letter To A Beautiful Instrument.

Dear Bass Guitar,

There is no doubt that your funky grooves are what powers a band and the message they happen to be sending. Along with the drums and sometimes rhythm guitar, you compose the entire rhythm section of a band, which everyone knows: you've got to have rhythm.
The deep, majestic rumble of music floating above you, being amplified by the amp at your "feet" fill my soul with a deep longing and a deep passion to learn your art. Just hearing the deep "thunk thunk" of fingers slapping at your body and the quiet "plink plink" of fingers plucking at your strings, gives me the highest of highs; nothing can compare.
The large range of music that you cover such as: punk, rock, country, funk, and reggae, cannot be compared to any other "minor", smaller instrument.
It fills me with a deep sadness that you are not given the attention you so readily deserve.
Guitar: The Spirit of Rock-N-Roll? Should that not encompass all form of guitar? Is the Bass Guitar NOT a Guitar?
You are like the Viola player in an orchestra. Always a step (and seat) behind the violin. Always second best to the "main" instruments.
Well who is to say that Bass Guitar cannot be number one?
Where are your solos, my friend?!
To think that there are some people who would create bands without the genius of the bass guitar!
If the Spirit and the Soul of Rock-N-Roll are two different things, let the Guitar claim the Spirit and let the Bass Guitar claim it's Soul, for you are so worthy.
For so long have you been denied your rightful place at the front of the stage. I am here to set them all straight!
Your funky, groovy beats shall be heard, dear friend, and heard you shall be!
Fender did not only create Guitars, nor did Gibson.
Take your place among the Guitar Gods, Bass Guitar.

Who's really got the beat?

Your faithful and loyal follower,
Shanita Perry-Wright