Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Letter To A Beautiful Instrument.

Dear Bass Guitar,

There is no doubt that your funky grooves are what powers a band and the message they happen to be sending. Along with the drums and sometimes rhythm guitar, you compose the entire rhythm section of a band, which everyone knows: you've got to have rhythm.
The deep, majestic rumble of music floating above you, being amplified by the amp at your "feet" fill my soul with a deep longing and a deep passion to learn your art. Just hearing the deep "thunk thunk" of fingers slapping at your body and the quiet "plink plink" of fingers plucking at your strings, gives me the highest of highs; nothing can compare.
The large range of music that you cover such as: punk, rock, country, funk, and reggae, cannot be compared to any other "minor", smaller instrument.
It fills me with a deep sadness that you are not given the attention you so readily deserve.
Guitar: The Spirit of Rock-N-Roll? Should that not encompass all form of guitar? Is the Bass Guitar NOT a Guitar?
You are like the Viola player in an orchestra. Always a step (and seat) behind the violin. Always second best to the "main" instruments.
Well who is to say that Bass Guitar cannot be number one?
Where are your solos, my friend?!
To think that there are some people who would create bands without the genius of the bass guitar!
If the Spirit and the Soul of Rock-N-Roll are two different things, let the Guitar claim the Spirit and let the Bass Guitar claim it's Soul, for you are so worthy.
For so long have you been denied your rightful place at the front of the stage. I am here to set them all straight!
Your funky, groovy beats shall be heard, dear friend, and heard you shall be!
Fender did not only create Guitars, nor did Gibson.
Take your place among the Guitar Gods, Bass Guitar.

Who's really got the beat?

Your faithful and loyal follower,
Shanita Perry-Wright


  1. This is really creative Shanita! I couldn't agree with you more, there should be bass guitar bands, after all they are what keep the other instruments on track. Without the bass guitar all harmony would be lost. Without harmony music ceases to exist!

  2. Only you would write about a bass guitar. Oh, I'm sorry, THE bass guitar. This is the most creative I've seen you! I love your choice of words. Especially the way you created sound in your writing. You've made it to where I can hear the bass guitar in my head. It's a beautiful sound! You make a very solid point. No band would be great if it wasn't for the bass player! (Unless your band just happens to be the White Stripes.)

  3. Ohhh weee! Love your personification skills!
    If only I knew what a bass guitar was! Just kidding :D! All instruments played contribute to the main cause; the rhythm and feel of the song in play. If one instrument is missing, the sound is not the same. The song loses its originality and effect. Thank goodness for the bass guitar!

  4. I am right behind you. The bass is like the skeleton to the band, and yet it is thrown into the the back corner, being quite. And i never quite got that. Why does the bass have to be the chill? I mean can't it be loud and live a little. But any way this is awesome. It sounds like a lover and a lover or maybe a one-sided love looking at its lover, watching out for it. It kicks butt, and vote for you to play in a band and rule the school with your bass solo. I will be cheering in the crowd with a glitter sign saying "GO SHANITA!"

  5. James Bond is also known as Mr. Kiss-Kiss-Bang-Bang.

  6. This was a really creative blog Shanita. I agree with you completely. With out the bass guitar the rhythm would completely be lost and what's a song with no rythm?

  7. Your post is very unique and had me speechless. Of course i agree with the bass guitar, even though i used to play the clarinet either one really consumes me. I am a major music lover and i always love to hear the different instruments in the background that makes the song hot!

  8. Wow, i see you Shanita. It seems you've found another way to express yourself. And you're totally right with this post eventhough it took me a couple reads to understand it.

  9. I agree with you Shanita. The Bass guitar does not get much hype, even though without it the band in question would sound terrible. The bass is what holds the band together.
