Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Literacy of the Nation.

Whatever happened to the days when kids would go home on a Friday night or a Sunday afternoon and crack open a nice book to read?

I am deeply concerned with the dropping literacy rates in this country, even in our very own Lake Highlands. I am a very big reader. I cover a very large range with my reading material and yet I have barely read anything at all compared to the grand scheme of literature.
There are kids in high school who are still at a fourth grade reading level with no desire to further their twisted situation. Who is at fault here?
It is certainly not literature, which is but a door to your opportunity and possibility.
Is it the warped school system with its lack of teachers who actually care anymore?
Or is the person who was stripped of the chance in school at a young age at fault?
Where is the line drawn between what others do for you and what you're supposed to do for yourself?
These questions, however, are better left for another time and place.

My main point is the sadness I feel at hearing teenagers and even some adults shun books or reading anything that isn't Cosmopolitan. Who told these people that books were meaningless? Moreover, who did not inform these people of the wonders of popping open a nice thick book ready to captivate and take you away to "lala" land? I was raised on the principal of "Reading is key". I will forever believe this as it has been instilled in me from a young age.
I would rather sit home and read a book instead of playing a video game or attending some vomit perfumed, jar head orgy known as a "party" to the teenagers of this age.

I'm just saying, would it kill you to actually sit down during those times when you keep posting about how bored you are on facebook or on twitter and read a book?
Not an assigned one from school that are more often than not deemed "boring", but one of your own choosing, of your own tastes.

It makes me feel ashamed of being a part of a generation who would worry more about who's looking at who than expanding their horizons to bigger and better things.
Learn how to read, kids.
That word you struggled over in the Psychology textbook...was Psychology.

[This was a really bad post. You'd think someone who read as much as I do would have a better since of creative writing.]

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